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Same Dog, New Tricks - What I Learned in My First Job

Thomas Djerf, Alumnus, University of Minnesota

An update for my fellow NMC members. It was so great meeting those of you on the trip to CA in January of 2018. I somehow managed to graduate on time, and to those of you who sang ‘Happy Birthday’ with me on the bus, I appreciate it. Takahito, if you’re reading this, “Arigato”. For everyone else, you kinda had to be there. Thank you again Bill, for making this all possible.

“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose/ By any other word would smell as sweet” (Romeo and Juliet, Act II, Scene II). Here our would-be lovers are lamenting the rivalry between the houses of Montague and Capulet, which prevents them from being together. We know the story. It gets at a larger issue which is still applicable to us all: How we name or label ourselves, and each other.

If you grew up with siblings (I happen to have a younger sister and two younger brothers), a label you learn very quickly is “mine”, often yelled at a brother or sister who made the unforgivable mistake of playing with your *favorite* toy. School starts, coinciding with the next chapter in our lifelong practice of labeling ourselves, each other, and the world around us. With school comes one of our most important labels: “student”.

Fast forward a decade-and-a-half. I will stop trying to generalize and speak on my own experience. Some labels I have defined myself with up until this date (May 5th, 2018- graduation) are: Son, Brother (both biological and fraternity), Roommate, Boyfriend (short-lived), Athlete (3rd marathon coming up in June), RA, Tour guide, Classmate, Friend, Dining Services Employee. Employee. EMPLOYEE. I first got that label as a Counter Associate at Bruegger’s Bagels, summer after my junior year of high school, and it has been a large part of what defined me since. EMPLOYEE. It was all I could think about as I crossed the stage at commencement for my handshake and my photo-op, along with several hundred of my closest friends.

My first post-college job was everything I hoped it would be, and a huge wake-up call about the elusive “real world” that awaited us after college. I moved from the suburbs of Minneapolis to a mansion in a gated community in Indianapolis that serves as the national headquarters for my fraternity, and home base for the six of us Chapter Services Consultants. We were each tasked with visiting a section of the country and checking on whichever of the 103 chapters fell within our jurisdiction; I visited 19 each semester.

I learned: how to use Microsoft’s Office suite (quite the accomplishment for a lifelong Apple owner), how to create and manage my own schedule, and how to be alone with minimal oversight for months at a time, visiting two different cities a week. But I did not learn how to say “no” and take time for myself. I was called off the road on March 21st (3 weeks early) and learned that my one-year contract would be ending early. It’s a long story that boils down to a bad fit.

That late-March weekend unexpectedly back in Indianapolis marked the first 24 hours since early February that I had taken a break from my job. Weekends, nights, even my 23rd birthday— I worked it all, because I thought I had to. My “work-life” balance was off-balance: all work, all the time. Work consumed my identity, which is why being told my job wasn’t a good fit hurt so much. I took it very personally, even though it was “just business”.

When you let your job define you, you lose touch with the most important parts of yourself. I see so many of us define ourselves by where we work and how much money we make. For the last eight months I was just as guilty. (Working for a nonprofit, trust me, my salary was never much of a bragging point). This lie is very easy to buy into. In the end, you and I each have to name ourselves, and claim our personal, unique label(s) without letting external forces [ie employers] dictate them. A question I will be focused on while determining next steps in my career is: “What makes your heart sing?” (Carmine Gallo, Talk Like TED). If anyone interviewing you doesn’t have an answer to that question, in the words of Ariana Grande: “Thank U, Next”

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