5 Ways to Celebrate Halloween Sustainably

1. Vintage Costumes Thrift shops, yard sales, and consignment stores are the perfect places to create a costume. Raiding your closet is also an option. This is the ultimate holiday to get your creative juices flowing. If you do have to turn to retail stores to make your costume, buying a few accessories (fangs, wings, etc.) is way more sustainable than purchasing an entirely new outfit.

2. Purchase locally grown pumpkins.
Why buy a pumpkin from a corporation when you can support local farmers? Farmers markets are typically cheaper than grocery stores, so you're saving money while helping out others. It's a win-win. Also, consider composting the pumpkins after the holiday.

3. Utilize pumpkin innards instead of just throwing them away. HELLLLOOO!!! It's pumpkin everything season, so save those seeds and pumpkin deliciousness after making your jack o' lanterns. You can bake the seeds for a nice healthy snack, make an ale or get even more creative and make homemade body care products for yourself and friends. Click here for some great ideas!

4. Reusable Bags for Trick or Treating If you're a Millennial, you're probably too old to be trick or treating, but to each their own! You can make bags out of just about anything; Old t-shirts, reusable grocery bags or even your purse. I recommend a pillowcase or bookbag because you can fit way more candy into those.

5. Party Supplies Parties are a big part of Halloween for most people. A great way to avoid waste is to use dishes you already have instead of purchasing plastic or paper plates. If you have to purchase dishes, avoiding Styrofoam is the most sustainable way to go because this material isn't recyclable.
When it comes to decorations, reuse the ones from last year. No one is going to remember. Plus, always having the decorations means you're able to throw impromptu Halloween parties. All of these ideas will help reduce waste plus you'll save tons of cash for the upcoming holidays!

All of these ideas will help reduce waste plus you'll save tons of cash for the upcoming holidays!