
Brian Young
Junior at Colorado University- Denver
Brian Young is a Junior at CU Denver majoring in entrepreneurship. He is a social media manager for the university specializing in Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat marketing. Raised in San Francisco, Brian moved to Denver at 19. He Spends his free time mountaineering, climbing, and racing in triathlons.
How do you define a millennial?
I define millennials as the generation who reached adulthood around the year 2000
How would you describe your personality?
Extraverted and happy
What is an interesting fact not many people know about you?
I was in the Air Force for a few years! I came out of high school with no direction. At the time, I really did not want to go to college, so I joined the Air Force. I don't tell anyone at my school, because as much as it was, it isn't who I am anymore.
What are you passionate about?
Mountaineering! I've climbed 21 of the 58 14ers in Colorado, and I'll be getting them all winter too. I love being on the edge of the earth looking out onto the clouds. It feels so freeing. In my professional life, storytelling over Snapchat and Instagram.
What has been your biggest challenge so far and how have you overcome it?
I used to drink too much, now I don't drink at all. I overcame it by changing my lifestyle and finding new places to put my energy, you can read about it here: http://imgur.com/a/DynXJ
How does your culture influence your identity?
This is a tough question and I'm not sure how to answer it. My culture is that of a white kid from an insulated suburb, and my childhood was Mormon, so that's in there too. It's made me feel strongly about communities and lasting friendships. I feel the world is at it's best when you know more than neighbors face and car. It's best when you spend time with them and know who they are.
What brings you happiness?
Summiting. It's not always a 14er, it can be a goal, but reaching a summit, then looking out to
the next one, makes me so happy.
What is your five year plan?
Five year plan? Consult on Social Media. I honestly hope to live out of a Class C Motorhome using a laptop and phone to work, travel, teach, and talk about effective social media marketing. I want to help companies understand the changing advertising landscape, and the needs and wants of future consumers.